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6 Home Remedies for TMD Pain

March 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 8:24 pm

Woman with hand on face from jaw painYour temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your lower jaw to your skull on either side of your face. You probably didn’t think about the joint very often, that is, until it no longer works as it should. Clicking, popping, or grating can make it painful to perform simple tasks, like eating and yawning. You may have a TMJ disorder. You don’t have to let jaw pain control your life. Here are 6 ways to get TMD relief at home.

1. Eat Softer Foods

TMD symptoms can flare when the joint is overworked or experiences too much pressure. You can avoid triggering your symptoms by sticking to softer foods that require less chewing. It’s best to limit how often you have hard, chewy, or sticky foods to reduce inflammation in the joint.

2. Practice Stress Management

Believe it or not, stress and TMD are connected. Stress can cause your body to respond in unusual ways, like grinding your teeth at night. Not only can grinding destroy your enamel, but also increase your jaw pain. Yoga and other stress-relieving exercises will help your mind, body, and jaw stay relaxed.

3. Use Heat or Cold Therapy

Heat and cold therapy provide many benefits when used a few times daily. Apply a moist heat pack to the sides of your face for about 15 minutes. Then apply a cold compress to the same areas for another 15 minutes. You’ll reduce muscle tension, inflammation, and pain.

4. Use Strength Training Exercises

Several exercises can improve the function of the TMJ, like opening your mouth for a few seconds before closing it. Repeating specific exercises throughout the day can increase your jaw’s mobility and strength. 

5. Limit Certain Jaw Movements

There are probably certain movements you know will trigger pain, like opening your mouth wide for a big yawn. If your symptoms are flaring, avoid extreme jaw movements to give your joints a break.

6. Ask Your Dentist for a Bite Guard

If you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, ask your dentist for a nightguard. It provides a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth to protect them from the damages of bruxism. It can also absorb the force of clenching to take pressure off your jaw. 

Conquer Your Jaw Pain

If home remedies aren’t enough to stop your jaw pain, it’s time to turn to a professional for TMJ therapy. Your TMD dentist will determine the source of your discomfort to create a personalized strategy to address your pain and restore your quality of life. 

About Dr. West

Dr. West earned her dental degree at the University of Southern California Dental School before continuing her training in sleep medicine, full mouth reconstruction, and neuromuscular/craniofacial pain. She has the advanced solutions you need for TMJ therapy, like oral appliances. Dr. West combines her experience with the latest technologies and treatments to help her patients overcome TMD pain. Contact our office today to request your consultation for TMD relief.

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