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Better than an App: Keeping a Sleep Diary Might Be Your Key to Getting Quality Rest

October 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 2:38 pm
woman writing in sleep diary

The benefits of journaling have gotten more and more attention over the past few years thanks to modern life becoming increasingly complicated. In addition to helping you remember your day-to-day and organize your thoughts, this practice can also serve another important purpose—tracking your sleep to see why you’re so tired all the time. For people struggling with sleep apnea who don’t know it yet (which is 80-90% of those with the disorder), keeping a sleep diary can serve as the first step toward getting the diagnosis and treatment they need.

Reveal Patterns

When did you go to bed three nights ago? Exactly when did you get up? Do you remember how many times you woke up in the middle of the night or how you felt throughout the day? It can be difficult to remember what you had for lunch yesterday let alone all of these details. But a sleep diary can show if you’re tired simply because you’re not sleeping enough, or it might reveal that you’re exhausted despite getting seven to nine hours of rest each night (which is a telltale symptom of sleep apnea).

Help Your Doctor

If your sleep problems become so pronounced that you seek out professional help, the first thing they are going to ask you about is your sleeping pattern. What time do you go to bed, when do you wake up, how often do you get up in the middle of the night, etc. By having all of this information on hand from the previous weeks or months, this can make it very clear whether you need to undergo a sleep test or not. Your doctor may even be able to recommend changes to your routine that will help you feel more energized moving forward.

Track Improvements

Whether you change up your nightly routine or start a treatment like CPAP therapy or oral appliance therapy, a sleep diary can show you whether or not these adjustments are working. If they are, great! If not, then it’s time to tweak and maybe consult your doctor.

All in all, a sleep diary makes it easy to look at the big picture as well as the smaller details, removing the need for guesswork. Plus, this approach produces results that are often more accurate than sleep-tracking apps, is infinitely customizable, and allows you to look back at years’ worth of data in an instant. There are plenty of quick start guides online about how to set one up, and just like that, you’ve taken the first step toward finally getting the consistent rest you deserve.  

About the Practice

iSleepSolutions in Las Vegas is led by two highly-trained dentists and sleep experts who are truly dedicated to helping patients regain control of their sleep and overall well-being. With a deep understanding of the challenges posed by sleep disorders like sleep apnea, Dr. West and Dr. Gorczyca are committed to providing top-notch care and support from diagnosis to treatment and each step in between. To schedule a FREE consultation to discuss your sleep issues and what can be done about them, call (702) 602-2000 or click here.

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