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Why Visit a Dentist for TMJ Pain Relief?

November 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — drwest @ 4:09 pm
Woman with jaw pain, thinking about visiting dentist for TMJ pain relief

When you think about dentists, you probably think of teeth and gums and little else. But did you know that many dentists are qualified to provide a broad range of treatments that can benefit both your oral and overall health? Some of them even have the training and experience necessary to address complex issues that afflict the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Let’s talk about why visiting a dentist for TMJ pain relief is a wise decision.

What Type of Training Do Dentists Receive?

During dental school, aspiring dentists learn many details about the oral and facial structures. They learn about the jaw, teeth, muscles, connective tissues, and more. That gives them an excellent foundation on which to build their knowledge of how the TMJ works and how to address the various problems that can cause it to become overworked or damaged.

Following dental school, many dentists choose to pursue even more advanced education that dives deep into how the TMJ works, as well as how to diagnose and treat TMJ disorder (TMD). As they continue to expand their knowledge about this complex joint, they are able to offer various therapies that can both provide short-term pain relief and perhaps address the underlying issues that cause the pain in the first place.

Do Other Types of Doctors Treat TMD?

Of course, dentists are not the only medical professionals to offer TMJ therapy. However, it is generally best to visit a dentist rather than a general care practitioner for this type of condition simply because general physicians usually do not receive the training necessary to diagnose and properly treat TMD. In fact, TMD can have so many symptoms that it is frequently misdiagnosed by even the most skilled and well-intentioned physicians.

Finding a Dentist for TMJ Treatment

Here are a few tips to help you find a dentist who offers TMJ therapy:

  • Use a search engine to look for TMJ therapy in your area.
  • Find some dentists who treat TMD, but do not automatically book an appointment with the first one on your list. Learn about the treatments they offer and look at their reviews.
  • If a dentist’s website doesn’t go into details about how they might be able to help you, feel free to call and ask questions.

What TMJ Treatments Are Available from a Dentist?

The best treatment for TMJ problems can only be determined after a thorough diagnostic process. In some cases, patients simply receive coaching on how to implement at-home remedies for pain relief. In other cases, a custom oral appliance is used to relieve tension in the muscles around the jaw. Rarely, a patient is referred for surgery to correct underlying anatomical issues that are contributing to their pain.

Are you struggling with TMJ problems? A dentist may be the best person to help you find long-lasting relief!

Meet the Practice

Drs. Pamela West and Stephanie Gorczyca are skilled dentists who are proud to provide TMJ therapy for the Las Vegas community. They offer a range of treatments, along with advanced diagnostic techniques. To learn more about how they may be able to help you enjoy a healthier, pain-free jaw joint, contact us at 702-844-6226.

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